Cathcart Institute is the creator of and of
Over the past year I’ve been adding to The Self Motivation Handbook. This is a project I created a while back in order to assemble a powerful mixture of methods for self activation. The theme of this handbook is:
Get Yourself To Do What Needs To Be Done…even when you don’t feel like doing it.
Motivational Press will be publishing this new book in the coming months and I’m excited to be working with them for the first time.
In recent months I’ve reached out to my colleagues and respected advisors world wide to gather their best ideas for self motivation, the ones they personally employ. I’ve also had many of them edit this manuscript to assure that it is practical, proven, and simple to apply. This is not a treatise on the concept of motivation but rather it is a manual for the daily practice of self motivation.
The Contents of the book include:
- 68 ways to motivate yourself every day
- A description of The Future You (completed by you)
- Multiple exercises to help you define What You Want
- True stories and examples from my own life and the lives of many other successful people
- The Ten Vital Traits of Self Made Millionaires – gained through direct interviews with well over 100 individuals who have “made it”
- My own story: how I applied these principles to transform my own “ordinary” life
- Dozens of Video Links to short success lessons I’ve posted on
- Tips and quotes from dozens of successful people that you can use too
- 300 inspiring one minute messages that you can read each day for personal motivation
- A Self Motivation Check-up that includes the Personal Priority Wheel and the M.O. Grid
- Plus much more.
Everyone who buys this book in either print or ebook edition will also receive a bevy of resources and discounts from and have direct access to me for advice and ongoing inspiration. You will also receive 30 days of Free access to the over 1,000 short video lessons on
I’m truly eager to get this powerful tool into your hands to help you transcend whatever might hold you back. You are capable of tremendous things by doing what you most love to do. Come with me and let’s explore how much more success awaits you.
Let me know if you’d like to be one of the beta-tester organizations to try this resource with your organization.
Stay tuned here and through
For more information contact Jim Cathcart or Cathcart Institute, Inc. at